Pera Volpina: the Volpina pear, (literally fox pear) is a wild fruit typical of the hills of Romagna in northern Italy.
This ancient fruit owes its name to the fact that it used to be a favourite prey of foxes. It once grew spontaneously and was a source of food for mountain populations, who would cook them together with chestnuts.
The pera volpina, a “forgotten” fruit of the Lamone river valleys, was rediscovered by a group of consumers, lovers of the traditional peasant fruit of the hills, also thanks to the Volpina Pear and Mature Cheese Festival that takes place in Brisighella (near Ravenna) in the first week of November.
The festival celebrates the qualities of this small tasty fruit, usually eaten after being boiled in water or wine or baked according to a traditional process typical of these hills in Romagna. The “New” fruits of ancient recipes, forgotten fruits that need to be sweetened to make up for their natural bitterness.
The guesthouse of the same name, La Pera Volpina, with its antique family furniture, preserves an intimate cosy atmosphere, frank and sanguine like the people of Romagna who wanted to rediscover and offer this fruit. A fruit that had become unfashionable because so distant from the tastes of the market, and because of its non-standard, perhaps not too attractive, appearance.
The guesthouse of the same name, La Pera Volpina, with its antique family furniture, preserves an intimate cosy atmosphere, frank and sanguine like the people of Romagna who wanted to rediscover and offer this fruit. A fruit that had become unfashionable because so distant from the tastes of the market, and because of its non-standard, perhaps not too attractive, appearance.
La Pera Volpina Guesthouse, like the forgotten and rediscovered fruit, is not in line with widespread contemporary taste, but this doesn’t prevent it by no means to be comfortable and relaxing.
It preserves some of the age-old characteristics of a welcoming family environment with a taste of history, which summarizes the profile of that land in Romagna, at once gentle and vigorous, which was the birthplace of the apartment’s owners.